- Red Hot Chili Peppers The Zephyr Song 379786
- Red Hot Chili Peppers My Friends 379782
- David Burger We Came To Sing In Jerusalem 380983
- Charles Davidson Psalm 150 380961
- Andrea Jill Higgins Mi Shebeirach (Healing Prayer) 380981
- Michael Isaacson Seder Songs 380987
- Joshua Jacobson L'dor Vador (from Generation To Generation) 381037
- Sid Robinovitch Morena 381038
- Stephen Richards Hebrew Part Songs And Rounds 381040
- Joel Raney At His Name 380481
- Alice Parker Durme, Durme (Sleep, Sleep) 380992
- Louis Lewandowski Enosh 380993
- Rich Holly Majoring In Music: All The Stuff You Need To Know 381087
- Joshua Jacobson Shalom Rav 380965
- Joseph A. Seiss Beautiful Savior 381328
- Julia Ward Howe Battle Hymn Of The Republic 381327
- Gary Stith Score And Rehearsal Preparation: A Realistic Approach For Instrumental Conductors 381364
- Donald Miller Rehearsing the Band, Volume 2 381315
- Sandy Goldie String Instruments: Purchasing, Maintenance, Troubleshooting, and More 381316
- Southern American Folk Hymn Wondrous Love 381323
- Traditional Irish Be Thou My Vision 381329
- Fanny J. Crosby Blessed Assurance 381332
- Stephen Meyer Rehearsing the High School Band 381314
- Charles West Woodwind Instruments: Purchasing, Maintenance, Troubleshooting, and More 381317
- Traditional Come, Christians, Join To Sing 381335
- John Zarco Rehearsing the Band, Volume 3 381363
- James L. Nicholson Whiter Than Snow 381333
- Lowell Mason When I Survey The Wondrous Cross 381326
- Stephen Primatic Percussion Instruments: Purchasing, Maintenance, Troubleshooting, and More 381320
- Gary Stith The Conductor's Companion: 100 Rehearsal Techniques, Imaginative Ideas, Quotes, and Facts 381321
- John Bacchus Dykes Eternal Father, Strong To Save 381324
- David Kish Practicing with Purpose: An Indispensable Resource to Increase Musical Proficiency 381392
- Greg Jasperse They Say It's Spring 381735
- Greg Jasperse They Say It's Spring 381737
- Gloria Gaither Because He Lives 382098
- Mary McDonald Coming Home 382112
- Elaine Broad Ginsberg Hariu L'Adonai 382921
- Lloyd Larson How Beautiful 382091
- Lloyd Larson How Beautiful 382093
- David Haas We Are Called 382099
- Joel Raney Peace Like A River 382103
- Christopher Idle When You Prayed Beneath The Trees 382113
- Shawn Mendes Queen 403016
- Mary McDonald Coming Home 382100
- Joshua Jacobson Elohim Hashiveinu (O Lord, Turn Our Hearts) 382920
- Joel Raney Think Of Me And Remember 382114
- Akiva Nof Sisu Et Yerushalayim (Exalt Jerusalem) 382915
- Ron Kean The Journey of Harriet Tubman 382137
- Alice In Chains The One You Know 402960
- Regina Belle If I Could 402996