- Linda Hirschhorn Ruth and Naomi 66047
- Linda Hirschhorn Miriam's Slow Snake Dance 66048
- Robbie Solomon Kiddush 66049
- Robbie Solomon Shalom Rav 66050
- Lisa Levine The Youth Shall See Visions 66051
- Lisa Levine Sing a New Song 66052
- Shir Harmony Sim Shalom 66053
- Shir Harmony Shiru L'Adonai 66054
- Shir Harmony Shir LaShalom 66055
- David Shukiar Mi Chamocha 66056
- Shir Harmony Shalom Rav 66057
- Shir Harmony Shalom Aleichem 66059
- Shir Harmony Shabbat Candle Blessing 66060
- Abby Gostein R'tzeh 66061
- Shir Harmony Oseh Shalom 66062
- Shir Harmony Modim Anachnu Lach 66063
- Robbie Solomon Modim Anachnu Lach 66064
- Shir Harmony Shehecheyanu 66065
- Michael Isaacson Halleluyah (Psalm 150) 66067
- Abby Gostein L'chu N'ran'nah 66090
- Abby Gostein V'shamru 66098
- Andrew Heller God Bless This House 66100
- Devin Goldenberg Even Yerushalmit (Jerusalem Stone) 66101
- Jeff Marder Shalom Rav 66102
- Jeff Marder Oseh Shalom 66103
- Michael Isaacson In Every Generation (L'dor Vador) 66104
- Michael Isaacson In Our Hearts It's Chanukah 66106
- Stanley Hoffman Shalom Rav 66107
- Lisa Levine Reaching for Peace 66108
- Rick Recht Mi Chamocha 66109
- Judith Silver Meditation 66110
- Marshall Portnoy Hiney Ma Tov 66111
- Stanley Hoffman There Is A Name 66113
- Beth Schafer Shalom Rav 66114
- Michael Isaacson Y'vareich (Psalm 115) 66115
- Marshall Portnoy Y'varechecha 66116
- Eliot Glaser Y'varech'cha 66117
- Michael Isaacson The Hope (Hatikvah) 66118
- David Appelman Shelter of Your Peace 66119
- Stanley Hoffman Shalom Rav 66121
- David Appelman Shalom Aleichem 66123
- Michael Isaacson Psalm 113 (Hal'luyah) 66124
- Michael Isaacson Peace for the Sabbath 66125
- Marshall Portnoy Miracles 66126
- Marshall Portnoy Man Entereth the World 66127
- Michael Isaacson Mah Tovu 66128
- Cantor Lisa Levine Shelter Of Your Peace (arr. David Appelman) 66129
- Judith Silver Shalom L'kulam 66499
- Marcia Lee Falk Blessing After the Meal 66500
- Linda Hirschhorn Chanukah - Solstice 66501